Project description
Chemicals in Plastics

The objective of this project is to identify 20 case studies on how to prevent and minimize the use of selected toxic chemicals that are widely used in the Southern Mediterranean region, in support of the implementation of policies and pilot actions to prevent the use of toxic chemicals in Southern Mediterranean countries.

Chemicals in Plastics

Background & project objective

The Regional Activity Centre for Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP/RAC) is highly involved in the implementation of policies and pilot actions to prevent the use of toxic chemicals in southern Mediterranean countries. SCP/RAC is a centre for international cooperation supporting the implementation of sustainable consumption and production and circular economy approaches, it develops its activities under both the Barcelona Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Region of the Mediterranean and the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants.

Chemicals in Plastics

In order to tackle that issue, the SCP/RAC aims, with the support of the EU-Funded SwitchMed Programme, to identify 20 case studies on how to prevent and minimize the use of selected toxic chemicals that are widely used in the Southern Mediterranean region. Safe and innovative alternatives are showcased here as a viable way to phase out and substitute toxic chemicals found in everyday products while encouraging responsible consumption and production among consumers, businesses, entrepreneurs and civil society organizations in the Mediterranean region. The solutions that are described are equally capable of generating revenues from all parts of the globe and have been prioritized through a multi-criteria analysis of their effectiveness and replicability in the Middle East and North Africa region.

Chemicals in Plastics
Chemicals in Plastics

Project output

Main project output is a public report and a scientific open-access publication that can both be downloaded from below table.

Document titleDownload file
Weber, R., Fantke, P., Mahjoub, B., Hamouda, A.B., 2018. 20 case studies on how to prevent the use of toxic chemicals frequently found in the Mediterranean Region. Regional Activity Centre for Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP/RAC), Barcelona, Spain, p. 106.20 Case Studies Report
Aurisano, N., Weber, R., Fantke, P., 2021. Enabling a circular economy for chemicals in plastics. Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry 31, 100513.
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