Project description

SAGROPIA is dedicated to transforming plant protection in European agriculture through the introduction of thirteen biological and low-risk pesticides, which shall replace some CfS and active substances that are currently in use. The project aims to seamlessly integrate new and sustainable solutions to plant protection into comprehensive IPM strategies.

Background & project objective

The European Farm to Fork policy (F2F) emphasizes on achieving food safety and security. However, consistently high yields rely on the widespread use of chemical pesticides, which need to be reduced because of their detrimental impacts on the environment and human health. Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 identifies candidates for substitution (CfS), highlighting the importance for policymakers to replace specific active substances. This shift is challenging for the agrifood sector in the face of increasing pathogen and pest pressures in a changing environment. Finding alternatives to traditional plant protection products (PPP) is especially challenging for row crops like potato or sugar beet, which face high pathogen pressure. Biocontrol solutions have shown success in indoor and high-value crops, but achieving scale for row crops requires innovative strategies integrated into comprehensive pest management plans. Considering their economic significance as sources for food, feed, and processed products, the SAGROPIA project aims to showcase effective integrated pest management (IPM) strategies for potato and sugar beet crops, offering sustainable alternatives to chemical PPPs.


SAGROPIA is dedicated to transforming plant protection in European agriculture through the introduction of thirteen biological and low-risk pesticides, which shall replace some CfS and active substances that are currently in use. Specifically targeting potato and sugar-beet crops, the project aims to seamlessly integrate new and sustainable solutions to plant protection into comprehensive IPM strategies. The overall objective is to achieve a significant reduction in the reliance on chemical pesticides. This underscores the project’s strong commitment to mitigating adverse effects in crop production on natural resources, people, and the environment.


Project output

Main project output will focus on the following main aspects that are detailed in below table.

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Impact profiles of bio-pesticidesSAGROPIA explores the efficacy of single, biological, low-risk solutions based on plant and microbial extracts and microorganisms in replacing and/or reducing one or more chemical pesticides against the respective target pests under controlled greenhouse conditions.
Comparison against conventional pest controlSAGROPIA will obtain information on the relative activity of 13 biocontrol solutions for controlling target pests and diseases in potato and sugar beet, compared to CfS and other chemical pesticides. This is needed to develop novel IPM strategies.
Upscaling of bio-pesticide solutionsSAGROPIA will upscale/formulate five biopesticides based on plant extracts or microbials, study the mode of action of eight solutions and study the toxicological profile of four. The aim is to have semi-commercial production scale and similar information for all 13 solutions.
Profiling of overall bio-based pest control strategiesEvaluating the currently used IPM strategies for sugar beet and potato, the consortium plans to develop alternative IPM strategies incorporating SAGROPIA solutions, to replace or reduce CfS and other chemical pesticides. Strategies are developed using a multi-actor approach (MAA) to ensure practical relevance. Developed strategies will be tested in small field trials to choose the most promising ones. These trials will be conducted in 5 countries over 3 years for each crop. The final product is a grower’s guide on best-practice, novel IPM strategies for potato and sugar beet.
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