SAGROPIA is dedicated to transforming plant protection in European agriculture through the introduction of thirteen biological and low-risk pesticides, which shall replace some CfS and active substances that are currently in use. The project aims to seamlessly integrate new and sustainable solutions to plant protection into comprehensive IPM strategies.
The overall aim of TerraChem is to develop, demonstrate and apply a novel systems approach integrating monitoring, environmental modelling, data management, analytical tools and user guidance to better understand exposure of terrestrial biota across trophic levels in Europe to environmentally-relevant chemicals and their damage on terrestrial biodiversity and ecosystem services.
The objective of PollLCA is to develop and disseminate a framework and operational model for a pollinator module to be used in life cycle assessment (LCA) to enable comparing pesticide uses and screening pesticide-crop scenarios in life cycle impact assessment (LCIA).
SPRINT will develop a Global Health Risk Assessment Toolbox to integrate assessments of the impacts of plant protection products (PPP) on ecosystem, plant, animal and human (EPAH) health. The goal of the project is to develop methods for an integrated risk assessment at the local, regional, national and European level.
The project on 'Crop Protection Environmental Impact Reduction' aims at developing consistent screening-level baselines for environmental impacts of plant protection products used in crop production as benchmarks to help measuring progress toward more sustainable agriculture.
The main objective of the OLCA-Pest project is to build on current advances in life cycle inventory and life cycle impact assessment to operationalise and harmonize the emission quantification and impact characterization of pesticides in life cycle assessment (LCA) and product environmental footprinting.
The objective of the GLAM project is to run a global process aiming at global guidance and consensus building on a limited number of environmental life cycle impact category indicators developed within a consistent framework, and to identify the related research agenda.