Peter Fantke, PhD

In brief
Peter is a leading expert on impact assessment, developing data, methods and tools for assessing emissions, fate, exposure and toxicity effects of chemicals, materials and products along the entire life cycle. His research is applied in life cycle assessment and chemical footprinting, in chemical substitution and alternatives assessment, and in risk screening and prioritization.
He is leading global consensus-building efforts under the UNEP Life Cycle Initiative, and provides methods and training for various stakeholders, including OECD, the European Commission, national authorities from the U.S. to Thailand, companies and NGOs, and academics.
Research focus
Peter’s main research and training focuses on the development and application of quantitative methodologies for life cycle assessment (LCA), exposure assessment, air pollution modelling, chemical alternatives assessment & chemical substitution, absolute environmental sustainability assessment (AESA), and bridging digitalization with sustainable chemistry.
He participated so far in more than 30 international projects funded by different European Union funding programmes, UNEP, OECD, large companies and industry associations, and national and international authorities and public research institutions.
His research methods and tools are implemented around the world and applied and recommended by a wide range of public and private institutions.